Photoshop Tutorial - Edit Dark tone Effect with glowing butterfly |

Edit Dark Tone Effect With Glowing Butterfly In Photoshop 


In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create Edit Dark Tone Effect With Glowing Butterfly In Photoshop.

This is an intermediate tutorial so some steps can be tricky - if you are having difficulty with it, I suggest you go to the basic section of Photoshop, practice those tutorials first, or watch my previous video of Photoshop, practice those tutorials first, then come back and do this one.

Today yor are going to learn using brush how can we give effects to our images and much more so guys please be interactive till at the end of this discussion and also you will familier with these tools definitely.

Details of Tutorials 
  • Software: Photoshop CS6
  • Completion of Time: 5 Minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Man Image
  • Insta logo
There are some steps we have to follow.

Open Photoshop.

Create a new layer by clicking File > New, then set background height, width, color, and resolution, After that, we have to set the background color as black, so unlock the layer by clicking on it, then right-click, go to the Blending option or else double click on that background layer, then enable color overlay option and change the color into black.

Import subject by clicking File > Openunlock that image by clicking right side of the unlock button , drag that dripping object on the new Layer by clicking left side of the Toolbar that is Rectangular Marquee Tool and drop onto the background object layer.

Import instagram object by clicking File > Openunlock that instagram object by clicking right side of the unlock button , Drag that instagram object and drop this instagram object to right side of the main layer then resize that object.

Using Brush Tool you can give shine for that object by varying opacity also using Eraser Tool you can remove unwanted area, If all the Editing is done then go to Filter > Camera Raw Filter or else press (shift+ctrl+A) by adjusting the color of that whole image, then click OK.

Once all editing is done then go to File >save or else press (ctrl+s) to save that image. 

For a glance you can watch this video :

For Download PDF File Click Here Below Button  👇

For Download Images  Click Here Below Button  👇
1. Image1
2. Image2
3. Image3
4. Image4

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